Wednesday 9 January 2013

Contents page research 2

Above the annotated contents page and right is the matching front cover for a Q magazine. The reason I included both in this post is so that the unified house style is evident. The Q contents page is the first contents page that I have come across when doing my research that uses a whole double paged spread to get the information across. This may be its unique selling point (UPS) because I have not yet seen this feature anywhere else. Rocksound do have their contents over two pages but not over a double page spread. Even the backgrounds in both the pictures are the same; the big, blurry and yellow lights will both add to the house style of the magazine. The colourings on both the front cover of the magazine and also the contents page of the magazine work well together; the three main colours used for fonts are blue, white and gold - on both pages. The effect of doing this helps to further entice the reader and helps them identify that the two bits of media come from the same magazine. If the house style works you should be able to rip out pages of a magazine and pick them all up and know what front cover or contents page goes with what magazine .

The design elements featured on these Q front covers and contents pages are minimal. The only one that stands out is the 'Q' logo on the top left of the contents page, this is then overlayed with the word 'contents.'

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